Closing date extended on RFP for Inner City Properties
The Joburg Property Company has announced the new date for proposals on the redevelopment of properties in the Inner City
by GPMA · Published 29th January 2019
The Joburg Property Company has announced the new date for proposals on the redevelopment of properties in the Inner City
by GPMA · Published 29th October 2018
Three Joburg properties open for public tender as part of inner city rejuvenation By Tasneem Bulbulia 26th October 2018 The City of Joburg (CoJ) has released information about three inner city properties that are now open...
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With great enthusiams and excitement, we would like to inform you of our recent name change – from CID Forum to GPMA.
The GPMA will function in the same way and offer the same services as the CID Forum.