Legal Library

The information contained in this web resource is provided as a tool for assisting those working for and within legislated Improvement Districts that are governed by the Gauteng City Improvement District Act no. 12 of 1997 (“the Gauteng Act”).

An overview of the contents of the library is set out below, starting with the Gauteng Act itself:

Cases, opinions and any changes to legislation will be added to the web resource on an ongoing basis, as and when they become available.

There are a lot of legal opinions dealing with the GCID Act and its implementation.

Although often very informative and enlightening, it is important to recognise that legal opinions are just that, ‘opinions’. So it is not uncommon for one advocate’s opinion to be contradicted by another’s.

We have also included in this resource a number of related pieces of legislation and policy documentation, which may assist the user in broadening his or her understanding of CIDs in general and the role that they play in providing supplementary and complimentary services to the community.

Should you not find reference to a specific question relating to the GCID Act, please contact



Western Cape


  • Government Gazette May 2003:
    Petition to Mbombela Local Municipality for the formation of a City Improvement District, in Nelspruit CBD, to be known as the “Nelspruit CBD Improvement District” in terms of Section 5 of the City of Nelspruit “By-Law for the Establishment of City Improvement Districts”



With great enthusiams and excitement, we would like to inform you of our recent name change – from CID Forum to GPMA.


The GPMA will function in the same way and offer the same services as the CID Forum.