
Presentations by Wilma Piek from the Voortrekker Road CID 

Social Development
Social development and upliftment are a priority for the VRCID. With the growing number of homeless and jobless people, the VRCID appointed a full-time Social Development Manager (registered Social Worker) and 2 Field Workers to liaise with especially the homeless on a daily basis. Together with our partners, MES, The Haven, Tygerberg Street Peoples Association amongst others, we provide funding for them to provide much-needed services.

These services include, amongst others, family reunifications, application for social grants, applications for identity documents, basic health services and also assisting with short-term shelter.

Together with the City of Cape Town Social Development department, the VRCID actively promotes the GIVE RESPONSIBLY campaign. This is an awareness campaign to raise awareness that simply by giving to those begging on the streets, might not have the desired effect. In many instances, this money is used to buy alcohol or drugs. We would rather the public to give of their time and money to NGO’s that the VRCID works with.




With great enthusiams and excitement, we would like to inform you of our recent name change – from CID Forum to GPMA.


The GPMA will function in the same way and offer the same services as the CID Forum.