Riverside Park CID

Manager: Renate Scholle
Tel: 013 757 0440
E-mail: info@riversidepark.co.za

H.L. Hall & Sons got their big break when the prospect of Nelspruit achieving capital city status arose in 1995.

The company’s offer to donate strategically located land in a spectacular setting to the province was a turning point, with Halls winning the bid for the government complex to be developed in their proposed regional node, soon to be known as Riverside Park.

With this landmark feat secured, additional anchors leapt at the chance to reserve their space; most notably Riverside Mall and the Tsogo Sun Casino, and Phase 1 of Riverside Park rapidly developed from there.

Keenly aware of its responsibility towards good stewardship of both the land they owned and sold, Halls created a set of precinct development plans and manuals, ensuring that all developments complemented one another, and made for a coherent mix of industries and services.

The residential component with its soft urban footprint was placed next to the Lowveld National Botanical Garden, while commercial developments lined the busy R40 corridor, also known as Madiba Drive.

With an ever increasing demand for land in the area, Halls expanded its vision into Riverside Park Phase 2 in 2000, coincidentally the same year in which the city of Nelspruit promulgated the by-law for the Establishment of CIDs.

It took another three years for land owners to agree that a CID be established and an application was lodged with the Mbombela Local Municipality.

In October 2004 Council approved the establishment of the Riverside Park CID, and in 2010 Riverside Park became the first legal CID in Mpumalanga.

In December of that year a Service Level Agreement between Riverside Park and Mbombela Local Municipality was signed, and the landmark Riverside Park CID became fully functional.



With great enthusiams and excitement, we would like to inform you of our recent name change – from CID Forum to GPMA.


The GPMA will function in the same way and offer the same services as the CID Forum.