From the website:
Today, South Africa faces some significant social, political and economic challenges. In order to be certain that decisions made will be mutually beneficial for all concerned, SAPOA realises the importance of ensuring its voice and the voices of those it represents are heard by government. But what of the future? What opportunities are presenting themselves? 2016 SAPOA President, Michael Deighton, believes that South Africans are a hardy bunch and one should, “Never waste a good crisis! Certainly, many economists would do so. This is one of the biggest inhibiting factors to real success in South Africa: a trust or shared experience gap between government and the private sector. If we can address that, the value that can be unlocked in that space is incredible” Michael Deighton, SAPOA president (2015 – 2016)

By working together, the opportunity to make long-lasting decisions that will have a positive impact in years to come is where success lies, for both the property industry and for the country.



With great enthusiams and excitement, we would like to inform you of our recent name change – from CID Forum to GPMA.


The GPMA will function in the same way and offer the same services as the CID Forum.