S&T Management Services appointed to manage Paktown Business District
The Parktown Business District (Not for Profit Company) went live on 15th March 2021 after Tina White and Sinembali Khoza of S&T Management Services were appointed by the property owners to provide Precinct Management and Financial Management services.
In addition, they were tasked to close down the previous Not for Profit Company, Parktown Improvement District.
Directors of the new Parktown Business District are –
- Carolyn Cookson and Mohammed Khan of Growthpoint
- Dane Pentecost of Alchemy Property
- Lynda van Coller of Grantley College
As from this date, 24/7 Security was appointed to provide security services to the public space of this district. This service commenced with 2 patrolling officers on day shift duty and a dedicated security vehicle on a 24/7 basis.

Weekly meetings are held on site between Tina White as the Precinct Manager and the 24/7 Security team to ensure good communications are maintained.
A WhatsApp group has been set up between 24/7 Security and Tina White for all current issues to be immediately communicated.
A survey was conducted to establish how many informal traders, be they car guards, car washers and cooking mama’s there are to ensure only those people who have been working in this district for a number of years will be allowed to stay on, and that no new traders will be allowed.
A contract has been signed between Vumacam and Parktown Business District for the operation of 5 cameras spaced around the district to be monitored off site by 24/7 Security to provide a tight ring of security for this district.
Lami Cleaning Services were appointed to provide cleaning services to the public space of this district.
On commencement of their services, a once-off clean up blitz addressed removing all the accumulated litter, weeds, overgrown grass etc., in order to start off from a clean base.

Currently there are 3 cleaners on day shift during the week and weekly site meetings take place with Tina White to ensure good communications are maintained.
A WhatsApp group has been set up between Lami and Tina White for all current issues to be immediately communicated.
In addition, the work currently being undertaken by S&T Management Services is to contact and meet up with all the property owners within the boundaries of this district to ensure that all come on board and pay voluntary levies towards the management of the public space. To date, those property owners are Growthpoint, Alchemy Property, Grantley College, Blend Property, Tower Property Fund with pending decisions in the pipeline from other property owners.
A separate WhatsApp group has been set up between PBD property owners and their Facility Managers, Tina White and the security and cleaning companies to also ensure that everyone has immediate communications regarding any issues that relate to or affect the safe management of this district.
Contact Tina White for more information on how to join the Parktown Business District; tina@white.za.net