KEW Action Group signs MOU with CoJ
The Kew Action Group (KAG), headed by Ruggero Grech-Cumbo, achieved a massive victory for the area by signing a memorandum of understanding with the City of Johannesburg on Friday 18th November 2022.
The agreement sees KAG sponsoring not one, but two vehicles to the JMPD for use as dedicated patrols for the Kew area.

“This is actually groundbreaking. It is the gateway for future public/private partnerships and the MMC commits to continuing this trend for the purpose of building and repairing the city for the sake of its residents.” Cllr Nkuli Mbundu, MCC of Economic Development, who attended the signing ceremony alongside MMC of Safety and Security Cllr David Tembe and the acting Chief of Police of JMPD, Max Khanyile.