JRA at work in Wynberg
Following a Regional Visible Service Delivery meeting (RVSD), Wynberg Business District Operations Manager, Basil Ngakane managed to secure a site visit with Conel Mackay of the Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA). During the site visit, Basil pointed out a number of issues that had been logged with JRA and this resulted in action on the ground in Wynberg! It is now reported that 90% of potholes have been closed in Wynberg. Speedhumps have also been placed on 4th street, 5th street, 6th street and Thora Crescent.
Wynberg Business District continues to engage community members through Wynberg District Connect, taking place on Wednesday, 7 July via Google Meet at 12h00.
Please RSVP to basil@wynberg.org.za or +27 84 836 5924 for the link.