Rosebank CIDs increase the Dog Units numbers
The handover of the new police dogs took place on Wednesday 19 August 2015.
The Dog Unit currently has more handlers than dogs, and this shortage
affects their ability to be effective. Through sponsorships such as the one
made by the Rosebank CIDs, the Dog Unit can reach their target of acquiring ten
new dogs. It is hoped that other CIDs will see the benefit in this initiative
and follow Rosebank’s lead by also donating towards the Dog Unit.
The cost of the dogs is R15 000 each. The reason for the high cost is
the time needed to obtain medically fit animals, train them, and then train
them together with a designated handler. There are only 3 breeders approved by
the SAPS administration, and the dogs have to be temperamentally sound. Not all
dogs, even from an approved breeder and breed, are accepted by the SAPS
veterinary clinic.