Humanure saves water and provides job opportunuties
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As the climate continues to change across the planet, drinking water becomes more and more precious. Despite this knowledge that water is a rare resource, too many households still flush the toilet with drinking water. As Gauteng faces the risk of a water shortage and COJ continues to implement Level 1 water restrictions, composting toilets and humanure could become a new way of turning human waste into a resource.
WWF: What to do when you can’t flush the loo
Many people in drought-affected areas are getting really worried about what will happen when we don’t have enough water to flush the toilets. There are alternative dry sanitation solutions that you can start looking at now;
Humanure sanitation allows for toilets that produce no sewage, no pollution, no wastewater, no odor and no environmental pollution. They conserve water while producing compost and ultimately humus, which is a resource valuable for growing food for humans.
Turing Deadly Poop into Fertile Soil
Since 2006, SOIL has been transforming wastes into resources in Haiti. Through the use of ecological sanitation, SOIL is working to create a revolutionary social business model for providing access to safe, dignified sanitation that produces rich, organic compost as a natural resource for Haiti’s badly-depleted soils, while also creating economic opportunities in some of the world’s most under-resourced communities.