Faces of the City Seminar Series video archive
The Faces of the City seminar series is a partnership between the Centre for Urban and Built Environment Studies (CUBES) and the South African Research Chair in Spatial Analysis and City Planning (SA&CP) in the School of Architecture and Planning; the Gauteng City Region Observatory (GCRO); the Wits City Institute (WCI).
Access video recordings from past seminar’s HERE.
Upcoming seminars;
1 October
The possibilities of corporate PMPS in post-colonial African cities
Dr Britt Baillie
FuturePart & Wits City Institute
8 October
Why can’t we prevent men’s use of violence against women in Johannesburg townships?
Abigail Hatcher
Wits School of Public Health
15 October
Co-production: between service delivery strategy and urban governance transformation approach. Experiences from Metro Manila.
Jakub Galuszka
Habitat Unit, Technical University of Berlin
22 October
Democracy disconnected: participation and governance in a city of the South
Laurence Piper and Fiona Anciona
University of the Western Cape