A leap towards undoing Joburg’s spatial apartheid
An informative piece by New Frame on the newly adopted City of Joburg Nodal Review Policy.
By Dennis Webster
3 March 2020
The Nodal Review might transform South Africa’s biggest city. Implementing the new policy, which has the potential to open wealthy suburbs to impoverished residents, is the challenge.
On Friday 28 February 2020, Joburg’s city government woke to the promise of a new and powerful policy. The Nodal Review, which passed a council vote on Thursday 27 February and aims to deliver on the city’s spatial planning masterplan – the Spatial Development Framework – is arguably South Africa’s most transformative land-use tool.
The policy aims to bring people closer to jobs by opening up Joburg’s well-located areas to high density development, which will make more efficient use of the city’s infrastructure while curbing its environmentally disastrous sprawl.
Read the full article here: www.newframe.com